Client: Condé Nast
Agency: Activate
Case Study: Condé Nast deploys some of the worlds most iconic brands. They set out to embrace the newest technology of 2010, bringing me in to design one of the first iPad apps, the first such app for a magazine ever, for one of the biggest magazine publishers at the time. The team I worked with was brilliant, and we were all working through the pitfalls of this new venture at a rush pace to hit a pre-Christmas release.
After the successful launch, I was asked to stick around and lead the design of each weekly magazine for a few months until Condé Nast could educate it's own staff about the new platform. It was interesting and fascinating to design the magazine and use some of the most beautiful photography I'd ever seen. Personal Note: I've never been more consistently hungry during a project.
Project Designs: Initial App Design, Extensive Style Guide, Updating of the Gourmet logo for the app and digital placements, I was the Senior Designer of the initial 24 issues for the app.